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When creating an online storefront, there are a few key things to keep in mind in order to create a successful store. However, even with the best of intentions, many store owners make common mistakes that can ultimately hurt their chances for success. Here is a list of 5 mistakes you are making with your Launch Cart store.

1. Failing to Create Unique Product Descriptions

Be sure to create engaging product descriptions that are informative and that create emotional connections, like this example from

Whether you’re an established e-commerce business or a new one just starting out, it’s important to put extra focus on writing great product descriptions. Product descriptions are not only essential for informing your customers about the products they’re interested in, but also play a vital role in boosting conversions and increasing sales.

Product descriptions help users imagine how they could use the product which can then trigger an emotional connection. A well-crafted product description can also be used to differentiate yourself from competitors by communicating the unique features of your products that make them stand out from the crowd. Additionally, effective product descriptions act as search engine optimization tools and help you get found more easily online.

No matter how amazing your product is, it won’t sell itself unless you have a compelling product description to help customers understand why they should buy it. That’s why it’s so important to know how to write great product descriptions that will capture your customer’s interest and encourage them to purchase.


Here are a few effective methods to create engaging product descriptions that convert:

Solve a problem for you customers

Product descriptions are the perfect place to showcase how your product can solve a customer’s problem. Product descriptions should include engaging text that helps customers identify a need, understand why they may have this issue, and make them aware of how exactly your product can help. Product descriptions should be written in a way that resonates with the customer and makes them feel understood. Additionally, it’s important to highlight any key features or benefits that make your product stand out from others on the market.

An effective product description will also include persuasive language to convince customers to buy your product instead of someone else’s. It should emphasize why the customer needs your specific solution over others available by emphasizing unique features or advantages like convenience.

Leverage SEO

Product descriptions should also be optimized for search engines (SEO). SEO optimization can help you gain visibility in organic searches and ensure your product pages appear higher up the rankings. Product descriptions that use relevant keywords can improve a page’s ranking, as well as make sure potential customers find it more easily.

When optimizing your product descriptions for SEO, try to include words or phrases that are related to both the product itself and what customers might search when looking for it. For example, if you are selling shoes, using terms like “athletic shoes” or “running shoes” would be appropriate. Doing this allows search engines to crawl your website and rank your pages accordingly.

Finally, don’t forget to use descriptive words in your product descriptions. Product descriptions that paint a vivid picture of the product can be more engaging for customers, as well as make it easier for search engines to find them. Using words like “durable” or “sleek” are better than generic words such as “good” or “nice”, and will help potential customers get a better idea of what they can expect from the product.

Optimizing your product descriptions for SEO is essential if you want customers to find them easily online. Incorporating relevant keywords and descriptive words into your product descriptions can help increase visibility and boost conversions. Product descriptions should not only inform your customers about the products they are considering buying, but also be search engine friendly.

Make it Easy to Read

A great way to make your product descriptions easier to read and more engaging is to use bullet points. Product descriptions should be easy for customers to scan quickly and absorb the most important information. Bullet points can highlight key features, such as a product’s materials or design, while making it easy for customers to identify the benefits of each feature.

Using bullet points also helps you prioritize what information should be included in the description so that customers can easily find answers to their questions without having to read through paragraphs of text. Product descriptions that are concise and contain only necessary pieces of information are much more likely to capture your customer’s attention since they won’t have wasted time on irrelevant details.

Finally, bullet points can also help break up long product descriptions and make them more visually appealing. If you have a lot of information to present, bullet points will keep your customer’s focus on the most important pieces while making it easier for them to move through the text. Product descriptions should be easy to read so that customers can quickly determine if they want to learn more about the product and make a purchase. Bullet points are an effective way to achieve this goal.

Click here to check out the Product Description Template at Jasper for generating engaging SEO driven product descriptions.

2. Having an Unprofessional or Inconsistent Brand

Having consistent branding throughout your online store, like this example from, can help increase your sales.

Another one of the 5 mistakes you are making with your Launch Cart store, is poor branding. Branding is essential for the success of any online store. It helps establish the store’s identity, build trust with customers, drive customer loyalty, improve credibility, and increase the value of the store and its products or services. A strong brand can differentiate the store from the competition and create a unique identity that customers will remember. It can also establish trust with customers by allowing them to know what to expect from the store. This, in turn, can lead to customer loyalty and a higher perceived value of the store and its products or services, resulting in increased profits. Overall, branding is crucial for the success of an online store and can help it stand out in a crowded market.

Your store’s brand image should be professional and consistent across all devices and platforms. This means having the same logo, color scheme, and overall look and feel on your website, social media accounts, and any other marketing materials. Having a consistent brand image will make your store look more credible and trustworthy to potential customers.

Creating a professional-looking logo for your Launch Cart store doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive. Using a service like Vend Forge, you can easily create a unique logo for your business without spending a lot of money. And, because Vend Forge provides you with design variations to choose from, you can be sure to find a logo that matches your store’s overall look and feel.

3. Selling Products with Too Many Variations


This store from, is the perfect example of using limited product variations. Try to have 4 or less variations.

When selling products online, it is important to offer a wide range of products to appeal to as many potential customers as possible. However, selling products with too many variations can hurt your business.

Having too many variations of a product can be detrimental to the success of an online store. Here are four ways in which offering too many variations can be problematic:

When a customer is presented with too many variations of a product, it can be difficult for them to understand and compare their options. This can lead to confusion and frustration, which can ultimately drive customers away from your store.

Offering too many options can also overwhelm customers and make it difficult for them to make a decision. This can lead to “analysis paralysis,” where the customer becomes so bogged down in trying to weigh their options that they ultimately decide not to make a purchase at all. This can result in lost sales for your store.

Increased costs:
In addition to potentially causing lost sales, offering too many variations of a product can also increase your costs. For example, you might have to create additional product listings, take additional photos, or create more detailed product descriptions. These additional costs can eat into your profits.

Decreased focus:
Finally, having too many variations of a product can dilute your focus and make it difficult for customers to understand what your store is all about. This can make it harder to build a strong brand and establish a loyal customer base.

To avoid analysis paralysis, it is important to limit the number of product variations you offer. For example, if you are selling t-shirts, you might offer a few different colors and sizes (no more than 4 colors), but you wouldn’t offer every single color and size. Instead, focus on offering a limited number of products that appeal to your target market.

Overall, it’s important to strike a balance when it comes to the number of product variations that you offer on your online store. While it’s important to give customers a range of options, it’s also important to keep things simple and focused in order to maximize the success of your store.

4. Forgetting to Test Your Store on Desktop and Mobile Devices

With more and more people shopping on mobile devices, it is essential to test your store on both desktop and mobile devices. Many store owners make the mistake of assuming that their store will look the same on all devices, but this is often not the case.

In order to ensure that your store looks great on all devices, it is important to test it on as many different devices as possible. This includes both desktop and mobile devices. By testing your store on a variety of devices, you can be sure that potential customers will have a positive experience no matter how they choose to shop.

5. Forgetting to Include a Size Guide for Your Products

Be sure to add a Size Guide to your apparel pages to ensure your customers order the proper item and to help reduce your returns.

When selling products online, it is important to provide customers with all the information they need to make a purchase. This includes providing a size guide for your products. Size guides are especially important when selling clothes or shoes online. Customers need to know that the items they are buying will fit, and they can’t try on the items before they buy them. As a result, it is important to provide a size guide that is easy to understand and use. One way to create a size guide is to use a measurement guide. This is a guide that provides measurements for different parts of the body and the corresponding product size that will fit.

By providing a size guide, you can help ensure that your customers purchase items that fit them properly. This will minimize the number of returns and exchanges, and it will lead to happier customers.


Making sure your Launch Cart store is professional, consistent, and easy to use is essential to your success and help you avoid these 5 mistakes you are making with your Launch Cart store . By avoiding these common mistakes, you can set your store up for success. By taking the time to test your store on different devices and providing customers with all the information they need to make a purchase, you can create a positive shopping experience that will lead to repeat customers.


Start building your own eCommerce store today, for free with Lauchcart. Use the link below to sign-up today!
Click Here: YES!! I want to get started building my own t-shirt business for FREE with Launchcart!

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